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The STEMY Science Kits aim to allow youth to experience cutting-edge science and apply this knowledge to real-world issues.
The STEMY Science Kits aim to allow youth to experience cutting-edge science and apply this knowledge to real-world issues. Each science kit will come with all necessary materials to conduct experiments and an instructional booklet showcasing student characters leveraging STEM as a superpower—learning about and using the power of STEM to solve real-world issues.
Our first set of kits will focus on paper microfluidics, an up-and-coming field that uses the complex properties of paper to create low-cost diagnostic tests that address global health issues.Two fundamental components of STEMY Science Kits are their affordability and accessibility. We’ll maintain lowest possible sustainable price, and we hope to maximize the kits’ accessibility by partnering with local, underserved schools to provide these kits to students.
For every kit sold, one will be donated to a student in need. For the purchased kits that will finance our donated kits, we’ll produce a video series similar to the workshops we’re conducting with students at our partner school. These educational videos will highlight the same empowering narratives and themes that our instructional booklet will.

We have developed experiments and materials for the kits, which will be officially available for purchase in fall of 2021.
We conducted a workshop program with Shelby elementary school in the Spring of 2018, and another in the Spring of 2019.
Currently, we are working on commercializing the kits.
The kits will be available to purchase on this page soon.
if you have any questions about purchasing kits for your classroom, please email

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